
YURT hamkorlik takliflari

YURT platformasi sizning bozordagi savdo-sotiq foydangizni kengaytirishni taklif qiladi. O‘zbekiston, Qozog‘iston, Qirg‘iziston, Turkmaniston, Kavkaz-Ozarbayjon, Gruziya, Turkiya miqyosida YURT qishloq xo‘jaligi platformasi SIZ VA SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZNI hali siz tanilmahan va taqdim etilmagan bozorlarni qidirish va topishga yordam beradi. Biz qishloq xo'jaligi ishlab chiqaruvchilari bilan bevosita bog'lanamiz.


YURT platformasi SIZ uchun nima taqdim eta oladi. YURT platformasi, faoliyati doirasida oʻzaro manfaatli hamkorlikning strategik koʻrinishini taqdim etadi, unda quyidagi punktlar mavjud:


1. Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlarida ommaviy axborot vositalari va iqtisodiy vakilligini o'rganish. Bu SIZ VA SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZGA savdo bozorlarini kengaytirish, Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlarida SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZNI iqtisodiy ishtirokini mustahkamlashni kelgusida rejalashtirishda baholash imkoniyatini beradi.


2. YURT platformasi faoliyati foydalanuvchilar va iste’molchilarning SIZNING KOMPANIYAGA bo‘lgan ishonchini oshirish va mustahkamlashga qaratilgan bo‘lishi mumkin, bu esa keyinchalik Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlariga kelgusida investitsiyalar kiritish uchun biznes muhitini yaxshilash va modernizatsiya qilish imkonini beradi.


3. “YURT” platformasi moliyaviy tavakkalchiliklar va moliyaviy yo‘qotishlarni bartaraf eta oladigan Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlaridagi real investitsion, ijtimoiy-siyosiy, iqtisodiy manzarani doimiy asosda o‘rganishi va ekspert nuqtai nazarini taqdim etishi mumkin va bu yirik moliyaviy risklarni bartaraf etadi, yirik investitsiya loyihalarida, o'rta investitsiya loyihalarida biznes, import va eksport savdo aloqalari. YURT platformasi keraksiz risklarni bartaraf etadi.


4. “YURT” platformasi SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZ UCHUN chakana va ulgurji savdo sektorida yuridik, konsalting, reklama va media yordamini ko‘rsatadi. Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlarida YURT platformasi bilan hamkorlik qiluvchi mahalliy kompaniyalar tarmog‘i bu haqda ishonch bilan gapirish imkonini beradi.


5. YURT platformasi Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlarida SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZ o‘rtasida elektron tijoratni rag‘batlantirish uchun ishlashi mumkin.


6. “YURT” platformasi Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlarida SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZNI faol ravishda qo‘llab-quvvatlashi, SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZ vakolatxonalarini ochishda yordam berishi mumkin.


7. “YURT” platformasi barcha jahon qishloq xo‘jaligi ko‘rgazmalarida SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZ uchun axborot va reklama yordamini ko‘rsatishi mumkin.


8. “YURT” platformasi Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlarida distribyutorlik imkoniyatlarini kengaytirishda SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZINI qo‘llab-quvvatlash bo‘yicha tizimli ishlarni amalga oshirishi mumkin.


9. “YURT” platformasi tarixiy Ipak yo‘lining butun tizimi bo‘ylab 7 tilda 15 dan ortiq mamlakatlarda, shuningdek, Yevropa Ittifoqi mamlakatlarida (27 ta davlat) SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZNI e'tiborga tortish uchun axborot yordamini ko‘rsatishi mumkin.


10. “YURT” platformasi Kavkaz va Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlarida SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZni nomi ostida vakolatxona, savdo uyi yoki savdo doʻkonlari tarmogʻini tayyorlash va ochish boʻyicha ishlashi mumkin.


11. YURT kompaniyasining faoliyati SIZNING KOMPANIYANGIZNING strategik moliyaviy barqarorligiga hissa qo'shishga qaratilgan bo'lishi mumkin.

Qo‘shilgan: 04-12-2023
Ko'rildi: 2660

Boshqa yangiliklar

AgriNext Conference 2024: A Landmark Success in Driving Agricultural Innovation and Collaboration
Next Business Media has successfully concluded the inaugural AgriNext Conference 2024, held on November 13-14 in Dubai, successfully bringing together global leaders, innovators, and stakeholders in agriculture and technology. The event served as a dynamic forum for exploring the challenges and opportunities that shape the future of farming and sustainable agriculture. CEO's message:  “AgriNext is more than a conference, it’s a movement to drive meaningful change in agriculture through collaboration and innovation,"  -Mr. Anas Jawed, Chair of the AgriNext Awards, Conference & Expo. Sponsor: We were proud to have Aliyah Rizq Holdings Pte Ltd as the Gold Sponsor of our event. Renowned for its innovative approach and commitment to excellence, the company drives impactful change across industries such as healthcare, education, and technology. Their support has been instrumental in the success of this event, and we deeply appreciate their partnership in shaping a sustainable and innovative future. Highlights of the Event: ● Distinguished Chief Guest: The AgriNext Conference 2024 welcomed Dr. Obaid Saif Hamad Al Zaabi, Board Chairman of AAAID, as the Chief Guest. Dr. Al Zaabi delivered a keynote address on fostering innovation and sustainability in agriculture. His expertise and leadership left a lasting impact on the event. ● Strategic Collaborations: The conference facilitated six significant collaborations between leading agricultural organizations and technology firms, setting the stage for transformative projects in precision farming, sustainable agriculture, and agri-finance. These partnerships underscore AgriNext’s role as a catalyst for meaningful innovation in the global agricultural sector. ● Engaging Sessions: The conference featured thought-provoking discussions, including “Women in Agricultural Technology” moderated by Susan Payne, which emphasized the role of inclusivity in driving innovation, and “Challenges and Opportunities in Agri-Tech Startups” led by Noorhan Abusamra, which explored the dynamic landscape of agricultural entrepreneurship. ● Keynote Presentations: Visionary speakers shared groundbreaking insights, such as Ponsi Trivisvavet on "Agricultural Biotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges" and Felix Krujatz discussing the "Digital Twins for the AI-assisted optimization of next generation Controlled Environment Agriculture Systems" ● Excellence Celebrated: The AgriNext Awards recognized outstanding contributions to the industry, with companies and individuals receiving accolades for their innovation, sustainability efforts, and leadership. Showcasing Innovation. Over 12 exhibitors from around the world presented cutting-edge technologies, including robotic vertical farms, advanced biotechnology solutions, and AI-powered tools for precision agriculture. Companies such as Elite Agro Projects, Farm to Plate, and B-farm highlighted how technological advancements can address global food security challenges. List of the exhibitors: The Smart Farmers Seasony Eight Orbit Urban Farms Elite Agro Projects Farm to Plate Vitalizem: S.T.D.P.2A Agro Advance Technology Azienda Agricola Nenci  B-farm Wai Genetics CAIMPEX RESPECTfarms Networking and Collaboration The event attracted over 500 participants, including agricultural experts, policymakers, and innovators, providing unparalleled networking and collaboration opportunities to address climate change, food security, and sustainable farming. AgriNext featured a distinguished lineup of speakers who shared their expertise on the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in agri-tech and sustainable farming. Their insights are shaping the future of agriculture, inspiring progress and collaboration across the global agricultural community. Award Ceremony Recap: The event successfully recognized over 34 companies on Day 1 for their remarkable achievements and contributions to the industry. On Day 2, more than 26 prestigious awards were presented to outstanding leaders who have demonstrated excellence and innovation in their fields. The two-day ceremony celebrated the success of both organizations and individuals, highlighting the significant impact they continue to make in their respective industries. Looking Ahead: Following the success of the Dubai edition, AgriNext is gearing up for its 2nd edition in London, scheduled for May 15-16, 2025. The event promises to expand on its mission of empowering the agricultural sector through technology and innovation. Additionally, the 3rd edition will take place in Dubai on November 5-6, 2025, continuing to drive growth and collaboration in the global agriculture industry. For More Information: Quick Links: Book Tickets: https://agrinextcon.com/register/ Nominate for AgriNext Awards: https://www.agrinextcon.com/nominate/ Apply to speak: https://agrinextcon.com/apply-to-speak/ Become an exhibitor: https://agrinextcon.com/become-an-exhibitor/ Social media links Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agrinextcon/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/agrinextcon/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/agrinextcon/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/agrinextcon   Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Agrinextcon/featured  
Sana Vaqt
25-11-2024 11:35
Growtech Vietnam 2024: A remarkable milestone for Vietnam’s agriculture industry
Growtech Vietnam 2024, the leading international exhibition for agricultural, forestry, and fishery equipment and technologies, concluded successfully after three vibrant days at Hall B, Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC). Organized by Adpex Joint Stock Company in collaboration with Global Expo & Conference Joint Stock Company (GLOEX), the event was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Science & Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development, and the Ministry of Industry & Trade.   This year’s exhibition reaffirmed Growtech Vietnam’s vital role as a strategic bridge for the agricultural sector. With over 250 booths from more than 10 countries and territories showcased across an 8,000m² exhibition area, the event attracted over 8,000 visitors, including international experts, manufacturers, and enterprises. It created a dynamic platform for business cooperation and technology transfer.   A standout feature of Growtech Vietnam 2024 was the B2B Matching Zone, a professional networking space where suppliers and potential partners connected directly to explore collaboration opportunities. During the three-day event, hundreds of productive meetings were facilitated by the organizers, enabling businesses to establish strategic partnerships, expand networks, and secure agreements right on the exhibition floor.   This year, the exhibition emphasized sustainable agriculture and green transformation, highlighted by the launch of the Green Startup Zone, hosted by the Ministry of Science & Technology. The zone served as an ideal playground for agricultural startups, bringing together innovative projects and solutions such as circular farming, precision agriculture, and advanced organic fertilizers. These initiatives garnered significant attention from experts and investors alike.   Growtech Vietnam 2024 also welcomed prominent participation from leading countries such as the USA, China, South Korea, and Turkey. Cutting-edge technologies on display included: -        Smart agricultural drones -        Automated sorting systems and crop monitoring solutions -        High-tech greenhouse systems -        Post-harvest processing and preservation machinery This provided Vietnamese businesses with a unique opportunity to stay ahead of technological trends, discover groundbreaking products, and foster partnerships with top global suppliers.   Adding to the event’s vibrancy was the synergy with Vietnam Foodtech 2024, the international exhibition for food and beverage technologies. This collaboration created a comprehensive forum where enterprises from agriculture and food technology sectors exchanged ideas and explored end-to-end solutions, from raw material production to food processing and distribution.   Speaking at the event, a representative of the organizing committee stated: “Growtech Vietnam is not just an exhibition but a symbol of growth and innovation in Vietnam’s agricultural sector. We are proud to provide a collaborative platform where businesses come together to shape a sustainable agricultural future.”   With exceptional achievements this year, Growtech Vietnam 2024 left a lasting impression, not only for the quality of the exhibition but also for its positive impact on Vietnam's agriculture sector. See you again at Growtech Vietnam 2025, where new milestones will be reached, and businesses will continue to conquer greater heights!
Sana Vaqt
25-11-2024 11:19